稲川裕之. 49th Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines
(VPAP) Annual Scientific Conference.
Benefit of Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as an Ingredient of Functional Foods.
Inagawa H, Kochi C, Soma GI. The 26th Annual Meeting of International Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine (ICNIM 2018). 2018年7月21-22日 (札幌).
Dewaxed Brown Rice as a Food Staple in the Maintenance and Improvement of Nutrition and Health status in the Elderly.
UENOBE M, WAKU N, SAIKA T, NISHIYAMA N, ITOU K, INAGAWA H. IUNS 21st ICN (International Congress of Nutrition Security). Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017年10月15-20日.
Advanced Immunotherapy Treatment in Japan: Pantoea agglomerans LPS Supplement. A new approach to prevent canine allergic dermatitis, parvovirus and hair loss.
Inagawa H, Soma GI, Honda T, Kato A, Okawa H. National Scientific Conference, Exhibition & 27th AGM. Malysian Small Animal Veterinary Association. 2017年8月19-20日 (Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur).
Development of an easy-to-use device for measuring phagocytic activity in a few microliters of blood and future perspective on prevention of infectious diseases.
Inagawa H, Zhang R, Kobayashi Y, Kazumura K, Tsuchiya H, Morishita N, Terada H Soma GI. The Indo-Japanease International symposium, 2016年9月23-24日 (Goa, Indo).
「肝癌細胞との共培養によるLPS活性化単球系細胞の遺伝子発現制御Gene expression of human monocytes following interaction with hepatic cancer cells by pretreatment with LPS」.
本田晃子、稲川裕之. 136回日本薬学会. 2016年3月26-28日(横浜).
Nutritional benefits of the subaleurone layer of milled rice (Kinmemai): Analysis of the glycemic index.
Uenobe M, Nakata K, Inagawa H. 12th Asia Congress of Nutrisiotn, 2015年5月14日 (横浜).
稲川裕之. The 6th Small Animal Veterinary Congress of Eastern & Western China, 2014年7月8-10日(アモイ、中国)(特別セミナー)
Macrophage activation potential by the rice retaining sub-aleurone layer (Rice with Golden Embryo).
Inagawa H, Uenobe M, Kochi C, Soma GI, Nakata K, Ohno S, Okazaki K. 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinincal Nutrition (APCCN), 2013年6月9-12日 (シンポジウム).
Macrophage network hypothesis as a regulating system for physiological inflammation.
Inagawa, H., Kohchi, C., Kadowaki, T., Soma, GI. 12th International Endotoxin & Innate Immunity Society (IEIIS) Meeting 2012. Homeostatic Inflammation Symposium. 2012年10月23-26日 (Tokyo, Japan).
Pantoea agglomerans LPS supplement: A new approach to prevent canine allergic dermatitis.
Inagawa, H., Honda, T., Kato, A., Soma, G-I., and Ookawa H. 4th Academic Conference of Asian Society of Traditional Veterinary Medicine. 2012年10月13-14日 (Seoul, Korea).
Anti-stress effect by innate immunity activation.
Nakata K., Yamamoto M., Yamamoto K., Inagawa H., Soma GI. International Conference on Biologcally Active Substances, 2010年08月12日(岡山).